District 16's flagship tournament, Houston’s Lone Star Regional, returns to its annual late January-early February slot: year 2025 is February 3-9. Game times are 10:00 & 2:30 except Sunday 9:00 & 1:30. See the flyer for full game and event schedules.
As in the past, the tournament will be housed in the Marriott Houston Westchase hotel at 2900 Briar Park Drive, Houston 77042. To reserve your room there call 713 978-7400 and ask for the bridge rate of $129. Bridge rate cutoff date is January 12.
Tournament chairs for 2025 are Dave Becker, Linda McReynolds and Sarah Springer. Their phone and email information listed on the tournament flyer.
Hospitality Desk
Welcome Gift
Complementary event labels: just email in advance to lsrlabels@gmail.com stating your name, city, state and ACBL number. On arrival at the tournament, pick up your labels at Hospitality Desk. Hospitality Chair: Peaches Eads, 713 569-7700 or hallieeads@aol.com
Daily Breakfast Items
Hot Dog Lunch on Friday
Ice Cream on Saturday
Buffet Lunch on Sunday
Partnership Chair
James Sells will assist you with partners when needed. Call him at 281 785-5295, or email jamessells@live.com
Future LMs & 99er Special
New 0-20 game on Tuesday and Saturday, two session events 10:00 & 2:30 daily. For 0-99ers, one free play on either Tuesday or Saturday. I/N Chair: Tracy Meyer 910 685-5615 or tracy.meyer.tx@gmail.com
Event Naming
For information call Marsha Bernstein 713 857-6088 or email marshabernstein@att.net
ACBL Teacher Workshop
On Saturday & Sunday, February 1-2 from 9:00-3:00 a Best Practices Teacher Workshop is offered for a registration fee of $50. Contact Karen Nussbaum 832 524-5233 or karenunit174@gmail.com
Game Fees
Session fees Monday thru Friday: $16.00
ACBL Fund Pairs on Monday: $17.00
Saturday: $17.00 - includes $1.00 for 2027 Dallas NABC
Sunday: $18.00 - lunch included w/2-session entries