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Jack LaVigne

District 16 President

I was introduced to bridge in 1971, four months after college while waiting to join the US Army. I’ve been fascinated with the game ever since. In the service from 1971-1975 I served as a lieutenant in Air Defense Artillery in El Paso, Germany, and Korea. After the service, I worked for Schlumberger 1976-2015. As a member of Unit 174 I was on the board in Houston, during my term holding various offices including president. I’ve also served as the District 16 Recorder and currently volunteer at a local club. It has also been a great honor to be a District 16 Star Award recipient. I’ve had two strong role models I strive to emulate: Jim Brister and Ed Groner. Those two always made opponents feel comfortable with warm greetings, and were able to get the best from their partners. I deeply miss them both and hope to continue their tradition.

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