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President’s Report 

Jack LaVigne
President District 16

Intermediate/Newcomer Online Playing Opportunities

The online D16 Nite Club East games are still going strong. However, they have been relocated to the ACBL Clubhouse. Once there, click on Schedule to see the game times for all the Intermediate/Newcomer games, including Nite Club East. Alternatively, you can go directly to BBO and click on ACBL Clubhouse. There you will find the 0-100 and 0-200 Nite Club East 7:00 p.m. games. Additionally, there are many other I/N games available to enjoy.


District 16 Bylaws

At the July 6 meeting, the District 16 Board of Directors approved the bylaws changes proposed by Rebecca Brown and her committee consisting of Scott Humphrey and Tomi Storey. A summary of the changes:

  1. References to Discipline Chair and Appellate Chair were removed.

  2. Enabling the D16 Board of Directors to vote by email.

  3. If a unit representative is unable to attend the board meeting, a voting substitute from the same unit may be designated to take their place.

  4. The Executive Committee is authorized to spend up to $1,000 on district business between board meetings.


North American Pairs

Larry Davis will chair the North American Pairs 2025 district level competition. The event will take place on Saturday and Sunday, January 11-12, 2025 at the Bridge Center of Austin located at 6700 Middle Fiskville Road. Once you have qualified at the club level you are automatically eligible to play at the district level NAP competition.


Personnel Changes                                                 

Carol Jewett, Houston, has taken over the monthly I/N Newsletter position.


“There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.” –Will Rogers

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